Portrait of V.A. Falbe-Hansen (1917)

Vedel, Herman Albert Gude (1875 - 1948)

Portrait of V.A. Falbe-Hansen

Original: Hope Gallery Collection
Oil on Canvas: 39.5" x 32"
Catalog# VEDH-002

Vedel, Herman Albrecht Gude (1875-1948)

  • Born March 1st 1875 in Copenhagen, DK, son of Johan Peter Bernt Wedel and Anna Elisabeth Gude.
  • Married Pianist Karen Hertz December 21st 1906 in Copenhagen.
  • Died December 1st 1948 in Copenhagen.


  • 1893 - Student
  • 1894-1897 - The Royal Academy of Art in Copenhagen
  • 1896-1899 - Christian Zahrtmann School of Art
  • *Studied in Russia, France in his youth and later studied in Holland, Belgium, Italy, Germany and England.

Travels & Stays:

  • *St. Petersburg - Russia, France, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Germany and England.

Awards & Acknowledgments:

  • 1902-03, 06, 09 - Royal Academy Medals
  • 1905 - Raben-Levetzau Prize
  • 1908, 09 - Years Medal (Eckersberg Medal)
  • 1909, 13 - Medals in Munich
  • 1918 - Bertel Thorvaldsen’s Medal

Positions & Appointments:

  • 1909 - Royal Academy Council Member


  • 1899-1912, 1914-16, 1918-37, 1939-49 - Spring Exhibitions at Charlottenborg Palace
  • 1909 - KE Exhibit
  • 1909 - National Art Exhibit in Århus
  • 1909, 13 - Glaspalast Exhibit in Munich
  • 1911 - World Exhibit in Rome
  • 1912 - “Modern Danish Artist’s” Exhibit in Brighton
  • 1913 - National Artist Association Exhibit
  • 1914 - Baltic Art Exhibit in Malmö
  • 1919 - “Newer Danish artist” Exhibit in Liljevalchs Art Hall, Stockholm
  • 1922 - “Danish Doctor’s Portrait Exhibit” in Axelborg, Copenhagen
  • 1922, 28, 36, 40, 49 - Fall Exhibitions at Charlottenborg Palace
  • 1928 - Helsingfors Art Hall Exhibit
  • 1929 - Danish Artist Forum Exhibit
  • 1929 - Danish Paintings, Sculpture and Applied Art Exhibit in Toronto
  • 1932 - Venice Exhibit
  • 1941 - Summer Exhibit at The National Museum of Art in Copenhagen
  • 1946 - National Artist Association Exhibit
  • 1952 - Fyn Art Museum Exhibit
  • 1957 - “100 years at Charlottenborg” Exhibit at Charlottenborg Palace
  • 1961 - “500 years of Danish Portrait Artists” at Charlottenborg Palace
  • 1963 - Koldinghouse Museum Exhibit
  • 1977 - “Artist Portraits” Exhibit at Charlottenborg Palace
  • 1985 - “The Royal Theater’s Artists” Exhibit at Frederiksborg Museum

*Herman A.G. Vedel was the known as the leading and most sought after portrait painter of his time.