Original: Hope Gallery Collection |
A weathered, bulbous woman sits beside a lantern darning socks. To begin her mending, she leans into the light to find the open eyelets of the yarn. Laundry hangs from a line behind her, while a pile of garments lie on the table. Her work proves to be long and arduous, as her eyes strain after a long day’s (and night’s) work. The woman’s room and trade reveal her meager status. The palette is colorful and rich, while the juxtaposition of light and dark strongly contrast each other. The objects of her abode cast dark, intense shadows against a plain wall. Although the woman’s features are almost caricaturized and her life of manual labor is lightened by the composition’s vast palette, the viewers are still able to sympathize with her hardship.
Artist: Wenzel Ulrik Tornøe (1844-1907)
*Wenzel Tornøe is perhaps one of the most well known exhibited Charlottenborg Palace artists of that period. He was known for his poignant and anecdotal portraiture and genre pieces. Having studied under Carl H. Bloch (whose is considered the finest religious, genre and historical painter of his time), Tornøe surpassed many his peers in skill, technique and style. His works have sold at many prestigious auction houses around the world, including Sotheby’s, and many other works adorn the walls of private collectors, museums, and European castles. |